
The Reckless Budget

The Budget Facts, so far

  • The budget leaves school districts with $3.1 billion less overall funding over the next two years. That means school districts will have 11.5% less total funding next year, and a 4.5% further decrease in the budget’s second year, forcing drastic cuts and property tax increases.
  • There are no strategies to make up for an estimated $800 million in annual lost federal funding.
  • The budget reneges on “hold harmless” payments to schools during the phase-out period for Tangible Personal Property Taxes, costing school districts $678 million over two years.
  • The budget provides nearly $400 million less over the biennium to higher education, including a 5% cut to the Ohio College Opportunity Grant next year.
  • The cuts extend to nearly every area of education – early childhood, special education, prison education and instruction for incarcerated youths.

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