
Education News for 11-01-2012

State Education News

  • Cleveland schools won't have promised details about school improvement plan before Tuesday's (Cleveland Plain Dealer)
  • Voters who want to know exactly how the Cleveland schools would spend money from the 15-mill tax increase…Read more...

  • Costumed kids seek treats as cold, wet weather is the trick (Columbus Dispatch)
  • With hands numb and clenched to an umbrella, the bumblebee in a winter coat agreed with her parents that it was time to head home. Warmth, after an hour-long walk through the soggy cold, trumped the lure of candy…Read more...

Local Education News

  • Charter-school embezzler gets 2 years (Columbus Dispatch)
  • Former board members defended a man who embezzled from their charter schools before a federal judge sentenced him to prison yesterday…Read more...

  • Students asked to remove pro-gay T-shirts (Lima News)
  • Celina schools officials said they didn’t step on anyone’s rights to freedom of speech when asking students to remove homemade T-shirts supporting gay, lesbian and bisexual classmates…Read more...

  • Teachers Keep Jobs Despite Participating In High School Prank (WBNS)
  • Four Belmont High School teachers were placed on three week paid leave after being accused of participating in a student Homecoming prank, according to the Dayton Daily News…Read more...