
Education News for 10-02-2012

State Education News

  • Attorneys say T.J. Lane insane at time of Chardon High School shooting (Cleveland Plain Dealer)
  • Lawyers representing the teenager accused of killing three students and wounding three others at Chardon High School earlier this year…Read more...

  • Judge says teacher did not deserve to lose license (Columbus Dispatch)
  • A Columbus special-needs preschool teacher should not have permanently lost her teaching license after her attempt to restrain a 4-year-old student…Read more...

  • Districts take innovative approach to teaching algebra (Hamilton Journal-News)
  • Struggling with algebra in high school often forces many college freshmen to take remedial math classes…Read more...

Local Education News

  • Edgewood rolls out tablet program (Hamilton Journal-News)
  • Edgewood High School’s senior class received their Acer tablets…Read more...

  • First-of-its-kind school to open here (Springfield News-Sun)
  • An agreement signed Monday will create the state’s first academy to train local students for high-paying…Read more...

  • Oregon forums to explore shifting of grades (Toledo Blade)
  • The Oregon school district will hold a series of community forums this month to discuss the possibility of reconfiguring grades…Read more...

  • School lunch goes high-tech with point-of-sale cards (Willoughby News Herald)
  • For many students, that sinking feeling in the pit of the stomach after realizing lunch money has been lost or forgotten is part of the past…Read more...

  • Riverside School District will bring back teachers (Willoughby News Herald)
  • The Riverside School District has laid out exactly what it intends to bring back if voters approve a 3.9-mill levy next month…Read more...

  • Will Issue 107 levy help class sizes? (WKYC)
  • The Cleveland Schools are struggling with large class sizes, but there could be hope with the passage…Read more...

  • Schools see drop in real-estate distributions (Youngstown Vindicator)
  • Howland Local Schools saw a $780,000 drop in its most recent half-year real-estate distributions, Howland schools Treasurer…Read more...