Join the Future's Weekly Education Digest

Each week, supporters like you who have signed up for our updates will receive a digest of the most important and interesting education news from around Ohio. If you haven't signed up, simply submit your email in the form below.

These updates will consist of 3 broad areas. Original content published on Join the Future, news articles from media around the state covering k-12 public education topics, and news on charter schools under our "Failure and Fraud" moniker.

If you want to follow along in real time, you can like our facebook page, or follow us on twitter.

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Join the Future is a collaboration among professional educators, support staff, the communities we serve, and citizens whose interests include supporting great public schools throughout Ohio.

Our goals are to advocate for great public schools, continually build a strong network of community support, promote policies that improve public education, and foster respect for public school teachers and education support professionals.